Has it really been that long?
Ok, last post 5/2/2005???? WTF?
I guess I'd better be getting me a bike, hadn't I?
Anyway, I only post here when I ride, and I had a ride, although I am not sure if it counts. You see, I got married on 5/27/2006. And went on the honeymoon 5/29/2006. The honeymoon was in Jamaica, and on Thurday of that week, my new blushing bride and I took the Jamaica Blue Mountain Bike Tour. How it works is they bus you up the side of Blue Mountain, where all that wonderful coffee is grown, then put you on a beach bike (fat tires, coaster brake and all), and let you ride the break all the way down the mountain. There was one place, about 30 yards total, that pedalling was actually required. Other than that, mostly riding that coaster brake. However, the scenery was beautiful, and we got to learn a little about how coffee is grown, harvested and prepared.
Here's a couple of pics...