Monday, July 19, 2004

Can't Think Of A Catchy Title Today

Another day at the levee with the old bike.  But there shouldn't be but one more.  The loaner went into the shop today.  Since it had sat so long, and it appeared as if the grease may have started to gum up, I put it in for the full strip down and rebuild job, which is more expensive.  I also will pick up an air pump and adapter for the electric pump I keep in the truck.  I may also get a seat, as I'm not sure if I'll like the narrow seat that is on it currently.  If not, it has a cover that the owner put on to protect the original seat that is worn and will need to be replaced.  Plus, another odometer/speedometer.  If, as I suspect, it needs new tires because these are dry rotted, then it will officially have cost me more than the purchase of my current bike.  Anyway, I did about the same as last time, just over 20 miles.  Since it hadn't rained, I alternated loops around Camp Jordan and Eastgate, making a big figure eight.  Three of each was a little less boring than six around Eastgate, but right at the same distance.  I considered one more figure eight (about 4 miles) but my back was starting to hurt.  Yet another consequence of a too short bike, I stay bent over quite a bit, which isn't good, considering I have a bad back anyway. 
I haven't weighed since I started, and I am a bit curious about it, considering I have received some comments.  Not sure if that's wishful thinking on their part, but it could be.  Still have the beer gut, that's for sure.  There was a fluff article in the paper (A2, at the top, in the typical fluff spot just above the Hollywood "news") about some guy who quit smoking and drinking cold turkey, started riding 70 miles a day, and didn't eat, drinking protein shakes instead.  Instead of dropping dead as would be expected, he lost 80 lbs and figured out his "diet" was stupid, then wrote a book about it.  I would say he's a moron, but what the hell, at least he's got a book.  I certainly haven't quit smoking (about mile 13 I was actually craving one) and stopped at the Lion for a couple of beers when I finished.  And I eat the same old crap I always eat (Big Mac for dinner today), and the only thing I like about a salad is that its easy to fix if you have the stuff, and lettuce is there just so the fork will have something to grip while picking up the dressing, cheese, ham, croutons, bacon bits, mushrooms and whatever else I throw on there.  Still, if I drop a pound or two, then that's ok, I could stand to lose them.  But that wasn't the purpose of all this.  Fringe benefit, maybe, but not the purpose.


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