Friday, April 15, 2005

It's about time...

Well, life and weather have beaten me down for the last three or four weeks. Others, who have their priorities straight and their shit together (or at least fake it pretty damned well) have been riding for a while. Me, well, no. But I went out today and did 10 miles on the levee. Didn't want to risk hills, or getting worn out (remember, the last ride was new year's eve). Somewhere about 7 or so into it, I really wished I hadn't had that one more smoke before starting, but the legs held out much better than the lungs. I was actually rather surprised it wasn't worse than it was. I have lost my Cateye. It is probably lost in the couch somewhere, so I have no idea about speed, but I would figure about 12 or 13 average, considering the elapsed time. I was just counting to eight (I'm a geek, if I count to ten its in hex) and trying to keep a steady cadence. Didn't hit high gear, but was one short most of the time, so there was still a bit of work in it.

I need to get the road bike, soon. I'm being pressured, of sorts, to ride the Three Mountain Challenge, although I personally like to ride up mountains in a car. (Yes, I know there is a non-mountain short ride, but really, why would anyone want to ride in a ride with that name and not even attempt at least one mountain?) I don't think the mountain bike, despite its name, would be a good thing to ride on that one. I don't know that a road bike would be better, but it certainly wouldn't be worse. This weekend is out, unless I go crazy and just buy one on Saturday. I may be going to the lemans (sp?) race in Atlanta on Sunday, so I can't shop then. Or I may not. At any rate, I haven't died, and I haven't quit, and for the four or five people that actually read this thing I suppose that's good enough news for now.


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